Building a workshop for ITER

installation for a world center for nuclear fusion research

Building a workshop for ITER Providing turnkey facilities for one of the world’s leading nuclear fusion research centres Artelia has delivered a workshop within very tight deadlines for welding and assembling the superconducting magnets for the ITER tokamak, a gigantic experimental facility designed to reproduce nuclear fusion (the process at the heart of the energy […]

Energy development in the Saint-Paul river basin

Energy development in the Saint-Paul river basin Combining hydropower and solar energy to develop Liberia’s electricity generation capacity To remedy the low level of electrification in West African countries, a number of projects have been launched with the support of the World Bank, which promotes the use of renewable energies and the interconnection of electricity […]

Toulon Provence Metropolis Energy Master Plan

Cityscape of Toulon in a spring morning

Toulon Provence Metropolis Energy Master Plan Planning the energy transition of a coastal region In accordance with the French law on energy transition, the Toulon Provence Méditerranée metropolis has drawn up a territorial climate-air-energy plan aimed at preventing climate change and adapting the region to its effects. At the core of this strategic document is […]

Hatta pumped-storage station

Hatta pumped-storage station

Hatta pumped-storage station Contributing to the diversification of Dubai’s power mix towards renewable energies. Developed by DEWA (Dubai Electricity & Water Authority), this pumped storage power station (PSPS) is part of the Dubai Clean Energy Strategy 2050, which aims to supply 100% of the city’s electricity from renewable sources by 2050. The development includes the […]

Nam Ngum 3 and 4 hydropower projects (Laos)

A dam of Nam Ngum in Laos.

Nam Ngum 3 and 4 hydropower projects (Laos) A very significant contribution to boosting renewable energy production in Laos As part of the country’s ambitious program to increase hydropower production, the Nam Ngum 3 (480 MW capacity) and Nam Ngum 4 (240 MW capacity) projects exploit the potential of a affluent of the Mekong River. […]