Between traffic growth and environmental imperatives, what transformations for airports?

Hong Kong International Airport Runway

Connecting continents and ensuring rapid domestic connections: these are the main advantages of air transport. In the current context of climate and environmental change, however, this mode of transport is being criticized for its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, its elitist nature and the recreational dimension of some of its flights: pressures that are prompting it to undergo major transformations. As an essential land-based infrastructure, airports are at the heart of this transformation, which some of them have been engaged in for several years. Claire Mazelet and Didier Wellenreiter, two of Artelia’s airport experts, provide an overview of current issues and achievements.

New impetus for rail in France

french high-speed train

In 2023 the French government announced a plan to invest €100bn over 16 years to expand and upgrade the country’s rail infrastructure, with key objectives of improving daily travel and reducing carbon emissions. A driver of both economic development and the green transition, rail is clearly the preferred mode of transport to ensure the free movement of people and goods – one of the founding principles of the European Union – while meeting highly ambitious targets to reduce the carbon impact of transport. Massimo Angelini and Ivan Rascle, who are in charge of developing rail activity within Artelia, explain this rail investment plan and the Group’s strategy to meet the increasing needs of the French rail industry.

Hyliko, “carbon-negative” hydrogen for mobility

Hyliko logo

Hyliko, “carbon-negative” hydrogen for mobility Design of an integrated hydrogen production and distribution station using biomass Hyliko awarded Artelia a preliminary design contract for an integrated site including hydrogen production by biomass thermolysis and a distribution facility for different types of vehicle (from 360 kg to 720 kg H2/day). Thanks to the innovative process used […]

Congo River

Facilitating navigation on one of Africa’s largest rivers