Carnavalet Museum

Carnavalet Museum courtyard

Restoration of the museum dedicated to the history of the city of Paris

LDLC Arena

LDLC Arena architectural view

Creating a large multi-purpose entertainment facility on a brownfield site.

Energy performance contract for Paris schools

Parisian school

Energy performance contract for Paris schools As part of energy performance contracts (CPE), Artelia is committed to reach the announced consumption and emission declines As a key element in the fight against global warming, the energy performance of buildings is the focus of many discussions and actions. To achieve its climate plan targets, the municipality […]

C2N CNRS Saclay

CNRS Saclay picture

A high-tech building for nanoscience and nanotechnology research

DRIMM’s solid recovered fuels (SRF) production facility

DRIMM's solid recovered fuels (SRF) production facility

DRIMM’s solid recovered fuels (SRF) production facility Optimising energy recovery of non-recyclable waste As a part of the Séché Environnement group, a specialist in the circular economy and waste recovery, the DRIMM site in Montech treats non-hazardous waste from industry, local authorities and households in the Tarn-et-Garonne region. It commissioned Artelia to manage the modification […]

Modernisation of the Athanor sorting centre

Athanor, a waste sorting and energy recovery facility

Modernisation of the Athanor sorting centre A waste sorting and energy recovery infrastructure more appropriate to the current issues Fluctuating volumes and growing requirements and technologies for waste sorting and incineration led the Grenoble conurbation to replace its ageing Athanor centre with a new facility. Capable of processing up to 50,000 t/year and incinerating up […]

Shallow geothermal system for Origine property complex

Nanterre Geothermal plan

Shallow geothermal system for Origine property complex A sustainable solution for heating and cooling a large-scale building complex with high environmental ambitions Icade Promotion has awarded Artelia a contract to carry out the feasibility studies and the construction supervision for a shallow geothermal system facility using groundwater to meet the very high environmental standards of […]