Using wave energy with the WaveRoller®
Using wave energy with the WaveRoller® A promising wave-powered system starting to be tested under real conditions of use Our Norwegian subsidiary Dr.techn. Olav Olsen has participated in the development of a prototype, the WaveRoller, which uses the ebb and flow of waves to generate electricity. The installation consists of an articulated metal panel that […]
Flowatt tidal turbine farm
Flowatt tidal turbine farm Analysis of extreme sea conditions in the Raz Blanchard Located at the north-western edge of Normandy (France), the Raz Blanchard is a cape where tidal currents are extremely powerful, making it a unique energy site for the installation of tidal turbines. Artelia has been studying the site for several years and […]
Hyliko, “carbon-negative” hydrogen for mobility
Hyliko, “carbon-negative” hydrogen for mobility Design of an integrated hydrogen production and distribution station using biomass Hyliko awarded Artelia a preliminary design contract for an integrated site including hydrogen production by biomass thermolysis and a distribution facility for different types of vehicle (from 360 kg to 720 kg H2/day). Thanks to the innovative process used […]
Honda R&D Europe
Honda R&D Europe Production and distribution of green hydrogen using surplus photovoltaic energy Honda, one of the world’s leading engine manufacturers, is stepping up its commitment to the hydrogen industry. Its R&D centre in Offenbach, Germany, is the first of the group’s sites to be equipped with a green hydrogen production facility. Artelia is taking […]
Biogas recovery at the Valenton wastewater treatment plant
Biogas recovery at the Valenton wastewater treatment plant Recovery, treatment and feed into the network of methane produced by sewage sludge For several decades now, at its wastewater treatment plant in Valenton, SIAAP has been capturing and exploiting on site around 80% of the biomethane generated by the degradation of organic matter contained in sewage […]
Creation of an FSRU in the port of Le Havre
Creation of an FSRU in the port of Le Havre Construction of the facilities enabling a factory ship to be moored on land to supply the country with natural gas. The Russian-Ukrainian conflict has obliged most European countries to strengthen their infrastructure for importing liquefied natural gas (LNG). Factory ships, which liquefy and regasify natural […]
Building an agricultural anaerobic digestion plant
Building an agricultural anaerobic digestion plant Agricultural anaerobic digestion to help reducing our dependence on fossil natural gas and to provide additional income for farmers On behalf of the company Méthacollines, Artelia managed the installation of an agricultural anaerobic digestion plant able to process 10,500 tonnes per year of organic matter (manure, slurry, dedicated crops, […]
Building a workshop for ITER
Building a workshop for ITER Providing turnkey facilities for one of the world’s leading nuclear fusion research centres Artelia has delivered a workshop within very tight deadlines for welding and assembling the superconducting magnets for the ITER tokamak, a gigantic experimental facility designed to reproduce nuclear fusion (the process at the heart of the energy […]
Energy development in the Saint-Paul river basin
Energy development in the Saint-Paul river basin Combining hydropower and solar energy to develop Liberia’s electricity generation capacity To remedy the low level of electrification in West African countries, a number of projects have been launched with the support of the World Bank, which promotes the use of renewable energies and the interconnection of electricity […]
Toulon Provence Metropolis Energy Master Plan
Toulon Provence Metropolis Energy Master Plan Planning the energy transition of a coastal region In accordance with the French law on energy transition, the Toulon Provence Méditerranée metropolis has drawn up a territorial climate-air-energy plan aimed at preventing climate change and adapting the region to its effects. At the core of this strategic document is […]